Diario di Egull1, 26 set 21

So, my current average has me around 117.5 and my lows fall around 116.4-116.8

I am consistently up by about 3 lbs since last April when I chose to couch in rest days and refine exercise based on recovery, increase cals to 2000, and I never stated this but I also took up yin yoga and couch in a 15 minute yin yoga cool down routine after every workout.

I also increased the cardio to a full 30 minutes on the bike before any weights or strength and resistance session.

I increased the "HIIT" session on the bike to a full 50 minutes.

And, any "half load" days like today where the recovery is minimum - I do 40 minutes of cardio on the recumbent bike and try to couch in around 30 push ups with the 20 lb weighted vest.

However, if my arms are blown out like they are today because of yesterday's bench exercises - I'll skip the push-ups so the muscles can recover.

So, how do I feel about this 3 lb gain. Well, I gotta confess when it first started happening - this mind had to be talked off a cliff more than a few times. Especially, since around April I increased the water intake monumentally due to dehydration per the results of the metabolic blood test I took back in April.

When one is making all these changes at once and there's an increase on the scale - this formerly obese mind said, "Holy sh$T - we're gaining fat. We have to stop all this right now!"

6 weeks after all these changes. I gained a full inch in my waist and hips and my chest very obviously stuck out more and my glutes were bigger. But, the thing was apart from the "bloat" what I was pinching just didn't feel like fat. I know what fat feels like - I wore a LOT of it for many years.

And, how could I be gaining fat when I was actually doing better in the gym than I ever had. By basing both rest and exercise on my recovery scores - this body was no longer being "over-trained". I only put out the amount of energy this body has to give, but when it's a rest day - this body genuinely does not do ANY training outside of casual walking and neat exercise.

My sleep improved, my PR's improved, my form with weights improved. My mind screamed, "what is going on here!"

There's a lot of things not told to women about body recomp. Subtle nuances I had to learn. And, thank god for fitness you tubers like Coach Greg, Will Tennyson, Layne Norton and ESPECIALLY HIS WIFE, Holly Baxter and other IFBB Pro's like Julia Rene and Georgie Cooper (not a pro yet, but on her way to nationals).

So here's a list of things the average body builder doesn't mention when ya get in to body recomp.

1. If you'ew already lean and over-training - the body can't increase muscle mass because it can't repair the muscle fibers in time to increase it. However, if one stops over training and begins to approach it a bit more strategically, allowing muscles to recover in addition to adequate amounts of protein --> you're going to see that muscle mass increase very rapidly.

As Will Tennyson in his own experience with over-training - muscle increases will happen in a matter of weeks.

Bless that boys heart. When he talked about his own experience with over training back in May on a podcast and confessed after reducing the amount of volume and time in training, his gains came quickly - I wanted to reach through the screen and hug him. His experience mirrored what was happening with my own body.

But, I wasn't expecting to have gains like that so quickly. Increasing muscle mass had always felt so incremental for me. I'm a female, right?

this leads me to

2. When one increases muscle mass - on the whole it's going to draw in more water consistently. It doesn't even have to be "bloat". As wonderful Coach Greg (Greg Doucette) discussed. "MORE MUSCLE ON THE BODY IS GOING TO DRAW IN MORE WATER TO RECOVER AND THAT IS GOING TO SHOW UP ON THE SCALE!!!!"

Bless Coach Greg as well, because he is one of the few body builders out there discussing these nuances.

In fact, that man will go into pretty in depth detail about bloat and water retention with regards to increasing muscle mass, LOL.

Needless to say, he's talked this girl's mind off the ledge a few times.

This also leads me to

3. When one increase muscle mass, they are going to increase inches in places where they increase the muscle. I know, can you believe that lean 17% BF, IFBB Pro Julia Rene was measuring her legs for increases in inches before she hit the stage and got her Pro Card in the wellness division?!!

Fancy that, one can actually INCREASE in inches while doing body recomp. I never knew, because of course it's rarely ever discussed. But, kinda relevant. Especially to formerly obese folks who were always strongly encouraged to use the measuring tape to record losses or maintenance.

Also, increase inches will vary with more muscle because...you guessed it - there's more water being drawn into the muscles on any given day

Some other nuances not usually stated

4. If someone is doing body recomp and was formerly very obese, there is going to be definition, but there is going to be loose skin. Look at the first pic. At around 19-20% body fat, I have some nice definition coming through in my abs. I worked really hard for it, but that just happens to be one of the places this body is pulling from for the energy to build those abs. NOTE - THIS IS NOT SPOT TRAINING. IT'S JUST ONE OF FEW PLACES LEFT WHERE THERE'S A DECENT AMOUNT OF FAT ON THIS BODY TO PULL FROM...THAT AND MY GLUTES.

Needless to say, it's hanging over that definition. If I were to pull it, I can bring it out about inch from my body.

But, I love that ab definition so it just is what it is...which, brings me to

5. Ladies, if you're in this situation with loose skin - read this carefully.


If I accommodated my measurements for loose skin - not a SINGLE thing in my closet would fit me and I mean that very seriously.

Case in point. I'm a rebel and refuse to do a size 2 except in very particular pants like Abercrombe and BDG because they tend to run large. Mom just shakes her head because that means most of the size 4's I get have a gap around the waist.

Why? Because I'm not technically a 26 around the waist or a 27 with loose skin. I'm about a 25 and without the loose skin - I'm likely a 24. But, I like too tuck things in so I make it work.

If I were to allot for my loose skin in measurements and get a 27...I would be swimming in my pants and literally be able to pull them down without unzipping and that's just not cool....not at this point.

So, yeah my loose skinned ladies - pull the measuring tape tighter. It's better for your bod, your pocket book not to mention your body image and peace of mind!

And, last but not least one of the most essential gems with regards to body fat that has really helped me continue to approach this health and fitness process in a healthy manner has been something Coach Greg screams to the ladies ad nauseam, but has been so helpful and comforting to me as I come to terms with the blessings and nuances of these "gains"...

Let's see if I can get his scream right


LOL - I love Coach Greg and Will Tennyson has definitely been cathartic and educational as well. Both Layne Norton and Holly Baxter have been wonderful in teaching me where to couch protein, carbs, and fats for optimal performance.

And, Georgie Cooper put things in perspective when she won the local division for best of show and in her category at 121 lbs and 17% BF. She's only 5'3. I'm 5'2 and quarter, not much shorter, I weigh less with only a few % points of BF between us. So, ya know I realize wherever I am is an okay place to be

So, the pics below are me now, around 3 lbs of "whatever you want to call it"...heavier :-)

And, I have to say I'm cool with it. Although, I do need to add with the extra cardio the past few months - I don't think I have made any increases in muscle mass (which, I expected) even though I do try to split the sessions so I don't over fatigue. But, I haven't lost any muscle and that makes me very happy.

When I get back from the Galapagos, I've got a 45 lb Olympic weight lifting bar on the wish list. And, the goal is to start making the transition from dumbbells to the barbell. Exciting to think about :-)

Have a beautiful, blessed Sunday and week everyone! And, a hearty cheers to Autumn bliss and beautiful fall colors!

Oh, and current measurements now are pretty much back to what they were:

25.5 inches around the waist
31 inches around the hips

I need to measure the chest again. I definitely feel like there's been some gains there, but that might be wishful thinking, LOL.

You're looking great 👍👍👍 
26 set 21 da utente: Tai_1-9
that pink top is super cute! great work!  
26 set 21 da utente: Joe Alec
amazing transformation! inspired.  
26 set 21 da utente: marpingo21
I appreciate this! Especially the part about <23% not being healthy if you aren't training for a competition. You look good with the extra 3lbs, and with knowing where it's coming from you can feel confident! Happy fall to you too! 🍁🍂 
26 set 21 da utente: bearnoggin
Excellent. Let's go!  
26 set 21 da utente: jimmiepop
Great in depth information- I only knew muscle weighs more than fat but this gives me a better understanding pf what's going on. 
26 set 21 da utente: MargaretMacNEil
Thank you for the compliment, Tai - not to shabby for 47 going on 48 years of age! @Taiwyn - thanks the sports bra is Puma. You can find them on their site. I'm not to impressed with the quality of the rest of their active wear, but the sports bra's are great! Thank you, Marpin - I suppose there are a lot of different ways the body can transform at this point in life. Suffice it to say, I'm glad this body chose this route :-) @Bear - in terms of the BF% I genuinely feel it can't be stated enough. I so appreciate a lot of good information that many body builders put out there, but there is a reason on average why women are meant to have more BF than men. The female BB's out there don't go out of there way to try and sustain that % for longer than "peak week" and stage day if they want to maintain their health in addition to their future as a pro. Even at the 20%-23% - there is a fine balance with regards to nutrition and fitness. One has to be diligent or things go south very quickly. Especially, if you're like me and it's not just about muscles but expanding and cultivating endurance and stamina. I found out in a not so nice way last week what happens when I let my potassium levels get to low by not fueling with enough electrolytes. I was getting enough H20, but not enough potassium and magnesium. My legs and calves got so heavy and tight by Friday - I thought I was having another MS flare up. It was a co-worker that suggested I was low on potassium so when I got home, I loaded up on my BCAA's BEFORE the workout instead of after like I usually do. The BCAA's I take have electrolytes and plenty of potassium. The situation literally resolved itself in about 20 minutes and I was able to pull out 13 miles on the bike without any issues. It was something so small and yet so critically important. Needless to say - I'll be drinking my BCAA's before and after workouts. @Jimmy - I'm ready! :-) @Margaret - I'm glad it helped. To be sure "the whole muscle ways more than fat" thing is just scratching the surface when it comes to body recomp, especially the deeper one digs. It's important at some point to know how the actual mechanism works when it comes to increasing muscle mass and the impact the process has on the rest of the surrounding tissues and organs. It's an amazing process to be sure, but understanding these nuances helps me to stay consistent and dedicated to the journey. Especially, since some of it will fall completely contrary to what one has to do during a "weight loss" phase. 
26 set 21 da utente: Egull1
Love you and how you share the important information  
06 ott 21 da utente: HCB


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