Diario di Soulnoid, 10 set 12

Day 232- For those of you that have lost a lot of weight (Let me add the disclaimer right here, I in no way am insulting or judging those of you who are just starting or are larger, I use my journal to vent a lot and also to discuss things that others avoid. We are all learning and moving forward, that is the most important thing.) have you ever stopped and look at those around you once you have lost a lot? I have been doing that a lot lately and it scares me. I travel a lot and eat out a lot, so I see a lot of different folks. Have you sat outside a fast food place and watched what goes in and what comes out or watched the drive through? It really makes me wonder what is going on in some people’s heads. I know for me I had to get mad to start this journey, but I would of never let myself eat like what I am seeing. The Simpson’s last night made fun of this same exact thing, but I bet the same folks went to McD’s this morning and got a ‘fat’ meal. I just don’t understand why folks don’t care. Don’t tell me it is a ‘class’ thing, go watch who is going in and out of these places! Don’t tell me that they can’t afford better food. They can limit how much they eat.

Me and my wife were out to dinner the other night and we both saw a person and said to each other ‘are you thinking what I’m thinking?’ it was person who you could tell had let themselves go. You could tell we were uncomfortable talking about it. But we both admitted that we find ourselves attracted to a different body type now that we have lost a bunch a weight. I still love a ‘larger’, ‘curvy’ women, but she has to look healthy. I am also looking at a lot more fit women, but they got to have shape. I still do not care for skinny woman. My wife says she use to look for a ‘tall’, ‘broad’ guy and she finds she is also looking for a more ‘in-shape’ body type. Not that we are looking for new partners, lol. But the couples out there that say hey don’t ‘window shop’ are full of crap!!!!! I don’t know where this is going and maybe my tastes will change again, it is just something that I have observed. I can also admit that I avoid certain friends of mine because of the way they treat themselves. I don’t want to impose on them my beliefs, but I do answer their questions when they ask.

The part that kills me the most is the kids out there. Look at a school picture today compaired to one from the 1980’s, 1970’s, 1960’s…. These kids are being brain washed and can’t help but get overweight. I just had to buy jerseys for 250 kids and you would be amazed how many of the younger ones are wearing adult size cloths!!!! This is a problem that the US has and we need to stop it soon. My future can’t afford it………

No more junk in my food……. Who grows a fruit that doesn’t have a seed? No more GMO

The children are suffering for sure. It is really sad. My heart breaks when I see an obese child...and it's becoming the norm. It makes me weary of raising kids into this society... 
10 set 12 da utente: Lindsay6384
Oh it makes my blood boil - what some parents feed their children! Have they no brains?  
10 set 12 da utente: BuffyBear
I will admit my kids aren't health nuts but when I compare them to their friends I feel good. My son hasn't had a spurt in a bit and has spent court ordered time over the summer with his dad that doesn't cook EVER and it's all fatty take out. My son even tells him it's wrong! Thanksfully he eats at his grandparents at times and although it's still not the best it's home made food. I have noticed he's gotten a bit chubby but more time home, back to fulltime karate training and being with him friends and skateboarding will take care of it as it does each year. What sucks is when I feel like I need to go overboard to compensate for his dad. It's so not fair! Yes I allow treats and things because I want to raise my kids to learn portion control and balance without always doing it for them. For example when my kids have icecream it's light versions and in a small cone or better yet they layer it with fresh fruit. It seems like a bigger dessert and think it's all fancy. My daughter likes a cone filled with sliced berries and topped with whipped cream and sprinkles to make it special lol. As for bread it's light oatmeal, fruit is fresh or in real unsweetened juice, milk is skim, yougurt is greek, meats are lean, pasta sauce is homemade with no added sugar or salt, NO sugar cereals, veggies are served with every dinner (don't eat them and no dessert even if it's an appple!)... hell when my son's grandmother gave him canned ravioli and he refused it and said it was yucky because it wasn't what I made and gave him lol. To this day I make sauce each month or so for my Ex-MIL to freeze. Drive my son's dad crazy but they love it :-). My biggest thing is even when he sees his friends that eat 100% crap 24/4 and are SKINNY!!! When he sees this what the hell do you say? At least seeing me get big and then drop weight he now sees that not everyone is built the same. He tells me I act alot different and can do alot more than I used to so he's starting to get it. I'm honest with him and about the issued I had being obese. All I can do is hope that what I teach my kids sticks, I know it's tough to resist the alternatives. Esp for my son when his dad doesn't give a crap and isn't overweight :-( 
10 set 12 da utente: thynes
My kids school is trying to be more healthy, they are giving them a fruit and vegetable choice and all whole grains now. I think it's great that they are trying to do better, so I figured if the school can I can too. So, I'm starting off making sure my kids are getting fruits and veggies with dinner and I'm working on finding some healthier options for our family. I see those people in fast food restaurants too and wonder how their eating got so out of hand, then I look at my kids and vow to try to do better for them. We've been sticking to our weekly menus and not eating out nearly as often and the kids don't even care, so I'm hoping this will translate into their adult lives someday. When I'm eating fast food with the kids I try not to judge people too harshly because I'm there eating too, but I know that I'm eating within reason (and sticking to my RDI) and so are my kids. Hopefully, if we can get our kids educated they will turn out better, but it seems like right now we're going in the wrong direction, there are just too many unhealhty options out there. 
10 set 12 da utente: mars2kids
My kids' daycare recently sent a copy of USDA guidelines to all parents, insisting that kids have a fruit OR veggie (canned OR fresh) in their lunches. What a low bar... And some parents complained!! So then they sent a letter of apology, that said "hey, this is required of us, we aren't trying to force you.". What!?!? I am always dismayed by the utter lack of nutrition in kids' meals. It is a very poor outlook for all kids.  
10 set 12 da utente: Heidijoy
I have noticed lately that I am more aware of obese people. First I think, "did I look that bad?" Then I feel sadness for them because I want every one to have the success I am having at losing weight and feeling good about improving my health. But, really it has more to do with my projecting my judgement of my fatter self onto others. Everyone is at a different place in their lives and have their own circumstances for why they look the way they do. It's definitely a motivator for me to keep going and to keep it off, though. I personally do not want to go back to where I was before. As for the children... I am not a parent and so I generally steer clear of trying to tell people how to raise their kids. However, I believe children need guidance on healthy eating habits. It can't just be left up to them to decide what they will eat and how they will look. I remember as a child being caught in the middle between parental and teacher guidance and it's no fun. For instance, teachers taught us things we could do to conserve energy and recycle, and my parents just laughed it off. It's the same with diet. If kids don't get a consistent message from both sides, it falls through the cracks. I am not sure what the solution is other than to get everyone in the same class (teachers/students/parents) and that is difficult to say the least. 
10 set 12 da utente: Eringiffin
Did you know Japan has a different BMI scale? Obese = 25 and above; overweight = 23 to 24.9. So does Singapore. Indeed it's sad to think schools need to send out notes about nutrition, but the alternative is even more dismal. At least we're seeing more FYI messages on TV. But unless the changes begin at home... 
10 set 12 da utente: jenkie5
People. It's not just about food. Too much TV, too much time at the computer or playing video games, not NEARLY enough time "moving it around". Even a poor diet (think Great Depression) will not make you fat (though you may still be unhealthy)if you have to move about for a living, or play outside all day for your fun. 
10 set 12 da utente: Baxie
i think the problem with the obese children is, that their parents have no idea of a healthy lifestyle. it is not only a US problem, we have it here in switzerland, too (and i think in many other countries, too). as i was a child, i never was at McD's. but today, many children celebrate their birthday in one of those restaurants. the times changed and it is the partents who should take care of the healthy lifestyle of their children! 
11 set 12 da utente: joelae
They say that you are most like the 5 people you spend the greatest amount of time with. If they are healthy you are more likely to be healthy - if they are overweight you are more likely to be overweight. I am a teacher and I see first hand what eating crap does to kids. The number of morbidly obese children is staggering - personally I think it is a form of child abuse. I have three thin kids who are always hungry - they are always allowed to eat - apples with peanut butter, celery, carrots, home made soups, salads etc. "treats" are only allowed on weekends. My little guy almost sounds disappointed if he gets a treat and it's not a weekend - but it's only Tuesday mom!!!! And Jenkie5 part of the reason Asians have a different BMI scale is because generally they have slighter builds, small bones, and less muscle mass and to be healthy the BMI needs to be lower.  
11 set 12 da utente: krystynecar
I hear ya...I do the same thing. I see people who were in my position or worse and wonder. There is no hatred or malicious thinking, just wonderment. Read, "The End of Overeating". You will see how food is formulated so you want to eat it. The stuff that is added to foods creates 'feel good' chemical reactions in our brains...perfect for people with low confidence, depression or who haven't figured out how to get out of that 'food hole' yet because it 'tastes good' and makes them 'feel good', even if only for a short time. It's an industry driven by money. If they can figure out how to make more money with healthy food, then that will be the industry. Sadly, on top of this, many foods are GMO which causes all kinds of havoc in our bodies and our fat stores are the victims.  
11 set 12 da utente: ppphhhttt
OMG... You are soooooo right. We recently went to a wedding and stayed a couple of nights in a hotel, where it was a self serve "buffet" breakfast..... Which consisted of sausage, bacon, tomatoes, baked beans, potatoes in various forms, , eggs ( various, fried, scrambled, poached), black pudding, toast, coffee etc. We were seated near the end of the line....mi couldn't believe the way people piled their plates up. Even though I was overweight (ok obese) I NEVER ate the way these people were eating. He sad thing is, they were all very, very obese and their kids were following in the same way. In some respects... The hotels are to blame... If you say, "eat as much as you want" people will make complete pigs of themselves...it's just not worth it. 
11 set 12 da utente: Sk1nnyfuture
I would be one of those children who suffered, so I know just what you mean. I'm struggling with so many issues now that it's not even funny. I love my parent's, they instilled good moral values in me, but that's the best I can say for them. As far as everything else goes in life they were extremely lazy parents. When I got home in the evenings the tv was on and no talking was allowed unless it was during commercials. I never learned about nutrition, I never learned about exercise, and I had an overly protective mother who wouldn't let me go anywhere or do anything, so I spent all of my time in the house when I wasn't at school. Every summer, every Friday night, I was at home, with my parents, watching TV and stuffing my face. I'm 27 now and this behavior has carried over into my adult life. I'm struggling very much to change that because I don't want to be the lazy people my parents are. 
12 set 12 da utente: Terrylm1


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