Diario di redwinelover, 27 feb 11

Well, hell. I avoided recording my weight for hmmmm.... almost 8 weeks! When it first went up, I just thought it was "temporary", just needed to stop the junk eating. Which, actually, I did for the most part. No more cookies, fudge, holiday crap.

BUT I still wasn't working out yet and ate a LOT. I think because I was still craving the sweets... looking for that certain something to soothe that craving. Also knowing that several days of not eating things like cookies and simple carbs (sugars) would eventually get rid of the cravings. Probably some of the post-holiday blues, probably some boredom and probably a bit of laziness. But I just seemed to keep eating and felt embarrassed to post my weight. It got a little better, back to almost 125 when I was cleared to work out. Which was my goal - 125. BUT I had hoped to start out working out again at my lowest weight of 122 - knowing I'd put on weight from working out. Some muscle, some the fluids the body likes to hold onto in the muscles when you first start really working them.

Things seemed to snowball. Down on myself for gaining weight, after all I'd done to get here. Falling back into old habits - especially the nighttime snacking. The worst. I mean, ONE snack? Okay... denial leads to binges and resentment. But I'd eat an apple. Then I'd eat a fiber bar. Then I'd eat a bowl of cereal. All of this, mind you, AFTER dinner. My weight at one point not too long ago, like maybe a week ago, was 133. I just about had a heart attack with the number. Sure, it was "only" 8 lbs above my goal weight, but eleven pounds from my lowest.

Then came the self-doubt, the chastising myself, the belittling myself - much of it subconsciously. Only when I'd pay attention to the things I was saying to myself did I realize how not only self-destructive it has been, but that I'd completely fallen back into the "old" me. The fat me, the one that ate for every occasion, the one that told myself I didn't deserve to be fit and lean. The me that I remember as far back as third grade - comparing myself to other girls in my class and feeling I was "stocky". I'd never be thin, never be lean.

The funny part of this? I was AVERAGE. In sixth grade, much to my horror, we had to get weighed in front of the class and the weight recorded on the chalkboard. A MATH lesson on averages! I weighed 86 lbs (funny, I can't remember last week but I certainly remember THAT). I can't actually remember how tall I was, but think I was 4' 10". Then averages were determined and the boy and girl who represented the average height/weight combination had to stand in front of the class. That was me! And yet, those FAT feelings have been with me since the age of 8, 10 at the latest. Way back then! I can't even IMAGINE the pressure young girls have on them now to be thin. Surely it's worse, even though our children are becoming fatter and fatter.

So it's time (again... I keep saying this... I keep MEANING this....) for me to "act my way to success" again. Just do what I know works for me and keep at it until I get there again. And tune into my inner dialogue and when I hear myself belittle myself, I will say something positive about myself - out loud. I need to come up with a range that I feel comfortable staying within. I'm thinking the 122 - 128 - three pounds on either side of my goal. I think I looked the best at 125. I liked being 122, liked that even those three pounds made a difference in my waist and thighs... but the scary looking arms and face so weren't worth it. Not that everything has plumped back out, just that it's not the MOST obvious thing I notice in the mirror. And THAT is a good thing.

So today my weight was well under the 130+ range and though my original thought (weeks ago!) was to wait and record when it was back to 125, but that still hasn't happened. But as of today, anyway, I'm within my "acceptable" range... I know I need to watch how much I eat whether it comes from good, healthy foods or not. Too much is too much. And mindless eating will lead to a fatter, less happy me.

RWL, you are beautiful and I love you!!! I so understand the voices, and the self doubt and self recriminations! I do the same and I need to stop being so hard on myself, and so do you. I can remember things like that also...I was always the "chubby" one, even though I wasn't...I mean 132 at 5'4" is so not fat, but that was where I was at 13 when I attended my first WW meeting! Man what I wouldn't give to be 132 pounds now!! Sheesh. Isn't it sad how poor our self image has been all our lives. If I could have one wish for every girl in this country, it would be that they always see themselves as the beautiful creatures they are. Negative self image is something that can cripple us for all of our lives. It is so easy to say that we will be kind to ourselves, and love ourselves, but when push comes to shove and it is time to put those words into action, we fall short, and those old demons pop back up and start whispering those sinister things into our ears. D, you are beautiful, and don't you ever forget it...what makes you beautiful is not the number on the scale but that part inside you that makes you who you are! A truly lovely lady, that touches the people she meets and makes their lives better! <<<<<BIG, BIG HUGS!!!!>>>>> 
27 feb 11 da utente: ctlss
Redwinelover thanks for sharing all of this! Your right about too much being too much be it from either side of the scale of our food choices. I know if I get down to 160 where I should be my face gets sucked in and I look sick but at 165-180 I look normal and not fat... A big plus over exactly how much you weigh but what makes the process even more enjoyable is the inches lost, muscle gained and fat lost while staying about the same weight! Keep up the great work little buddy 
27 feb 11 da utente: gizmonel
Don't hold off on keeping track here. It is one of the tools that screams out to you everytime you log in...bright red letters telling you how long it's been... but it's helpful to keep an eye on it, and even more helpful to stay focused on your goals. You sound determined to keep this under a certain point, and above a certain point... that's a fantastic goal. And you've done a great job getting here... love yourself today! You are SOOOOO Worth it!!! 
27 feb 11 da utente: jsfantome
Hi ctlss! I can always count on you to find a way to make me feel good about myself! You never disappoint! That's quite a talent, my dear friend. I had a feeling you could well relate to these feelings. Don't you wonder how many women (and men, possibly?) have weight issues TODAY because we FELT fat as children. I'd bet there is a high correlation. And yes, I totally agree, I wish every girl in this country could see the beauty in themselves. Can you imagine what healthy, strong women we'd become? We rule the WORLD! lol... And YOU, my friend, are TRULY beautiful. On the outside and the inside. You have a beautiful, loving, caring, compassionate spirit about you, a gentleness (yet strong as an ox underneath) about you that lifts the spirits of all of those whose lives you touch. And I'm glad, really glad, that you touch mine! Love you, S!!!! And thanks for the hugs... needed them! Right back at you! 
27 feb 11 da utente: redwinelover
Hi gizm... I know, it's such a balancing act. Keep the calories low, but the satisfaction high. Keep the exercise up to burn more calories so you can actually eat more than 1200 calories. That amount never worked well for me. I'm definitely getting back into the exercise routine and feel firmer in places, which does make me feel good. But one thing that I've noticed, a lot of the instructors (Jillian Michael's, Jari Love, the girls on the Zumba videos, Kathy Smith, etc) don't actually have nipped in waistlines. No fat, that's for sure, but I like the curves, the smaller waistline, the hourglass thing. So for me, I think I'll stick to some ab work...not tons of it, and regular aerobic and weight bearing exercises for the most part. Besides, women generally have to get to 14% body fat or lower to see the abs. That's not for me, I like a little bit of meat on these bones! lol... a little softness in the right places. Men have it worse, as far as abs are concerned, and most men have to be at 8% body fat or lower to see theirs. But they also have less fat to begin with. Either way, it's an ongoing process. 
27 feb 11 da utente: redwinelover
27 feb 11 da utente: ctlss
Hi jsfantome... You know, mine was more of an ego thing, the not wanting to disappoint, the not wanting others to feel I was failing, the fear of failing myself. I knew every day practically, what my weight was. So it wasn't as if I was ignoring it or not aware, I just really didn't want to post it. But yes, there are so many great tools on this site! 
27 feb 11 da utente: redwinelover
Have you found a caloric level for you that works well to keep your weight in check while not feeling too deprived? I know its hard but if you can do that the next little while and track diligently then see where you are then adjust calories up or down. Curves are good on a woman for sure and each woman has her own level of curves she wants to keep have you found yours??? ;) start doing some ab work but not weighted do some plyometrics stuff, yoga, pilates and lift those weights... Actually if you lift properly your core does get a good workout and little extra ab work is needed. Meat is good! Keep up the great work buddy! 
27 feb 11 da utente: gizmonel
Boy did I ever need to read this tonight. 
27 feb 11 da utente: Junebug7210
Hi rwl! Haven't I told you how talented you are in writing?! You described about your struggles and fear with such straightforward and undisguised manner. I admire your honesty very much! It seems like no matter what weight we are, there always is this fear and struggles in us. And it's a good thing that you openly talk about it and try to find a way works for you. And we are here to hear you out and appreciate your sharing. So very much! Yes, you are already beautiful and I know you know that. You, however, need to tell yourself, though. You're *beautiful* when you're 122 and when you're 130. Enjoy your evening:) 
28 feb 11 da utente: happynow
01 mar 11 da utente: Junebug7210
^^^^ what she said 
01 mar 11 da utente: pixidaisy
Before I pull out the whip!  
01 mar 11 da utente: Junebug7210
DA- YUM! Pushy, pushy people! :D Okay... I'll try to find something to journal about.... SHEESH! (I'm feeling the LOVE, though!) 
01 mar 11 da utente: redwinelover


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