Diario di quilter1024

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23 gennaio 2018

08 gennaio 2018

05 gennaio 2018

Here it is the beginning of another year. I’m not any heavier or lighter, I seem to stay in the same general weight area, a little up, a little down, some stay the same. Would like to change that this year. Can this be my year? I read a book a few months ago titled “It was me all along”. Some insight into the struggle we all go through to accomplish (most anything) our weight loss. I would like to prioritize my life, family always is first. Think when you have a Spouse, Children and Grandchildren, we would all do anything we can; to be with, help them, enjoy them etc. Any other time, also when I am with them, I will put my exercise, food plan, self awareness, journaling, etc ahead of other activities. I live a full life, busier now at 68 than I was before I retired, it’s amazing. Getting older was never something I dreaded, just a fact of life. I am super happy with my life, my joy, my activities, just would like to walk a mile and still carry on a conversation. I would like to be able to get up off the floor without putting my butt in the air (no one wants to see that!!). I would like to ride my bike with the Grandchildren to get a treat, and ride back. Right now I could not even ride there. My husband has always wanted to see Gettysburg, I want to see the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Have planned the trip for late April, I want to be in shape for the walking that will be involved. Can I do it? Yes I can, Will I do it? That is the real question, will I have the resolve to follow through. Today, I believe I will!! Tomorrow will come, hoping I will feel the same way. One day at a time, one step at a time. I will look forward to journaling here more regularly, know there are a lot of success stories here, will look for inspiration, friendship, and joy in our journey to a healthier life. Back to the sewing machine. Enjoy this day!!

20 novembre 2016

I have now been through 7 OrangeTheory classes. I feel quite inept at times, especially getting up and down off the floor. On the rowers and the treadmill, everyone is so concentrated on getting up to base - push - and all out, that, I can continue to do those three things, at my weight, push and all out come along well as my heart rate reaches those easily, maintaining them is more difficult. I'm like a fallen heavy animal when it comes to the floor/weight work. Bless all the trainers, they have offered to help and have been so very encouraging, as have my other class participants. It is what it is, I am by far in all my classes the most overweight (by a whole lot) and the slowest mover. Please don't think for a moment I am giving up! I'm very simply sharing that there is nothing wrong with being in an exercise class where you feel inept or out of place. People so want to champion you on, keep you going, and encourage you in the process. And i am proud of myself, it is a tough work out and i routinely burn more that 400 calories in my hour work out, I score over 20 points every time and I feel good. Points are scored when your heart rate is in the push and all out range. I know, that I would not push myself to this level with out the trainer encouraging us on. I've signed on for another month. Maybe I can put it all together this month, with a good food plan, exercise, and have an enjoyable holiday season!! Thanks for reading my post, we can do this together.

04 novembre 2016

Good afternoon! I needed a kick in the butt to get started again. I have maintained and kept off 30 pounds from my highest weight, I certainly have weighed a lot less also. So, I started at the ORANGETHEORY gym. I rarely care about how I appear in workout clothes, and if I'm the oldest and the heaviest in a class, i'm okay with that also. All those statements are true for me today. I am also burning over 400 calories and scoring points above average for every class. YAY! I'm also enjoying the workouts, I'm not able to do everything as quick and I am not as limber as those younger than me. Let face it, I may never get there, I am getting a great workout and it's fun for me. I enjoy seeing others do their best, achieving and surpassing their goals. Today, I did not stop and rest during the workout, for me that is a WIN and I will celebrate that. My food plan is kind of coming together, finding it hard to strike a good middle between low carb and my favorite comfort food, potatoes. I will get there!!

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