Diario di redwinelover, 29 ott 10

Today is Day 9 of recovery. Hmmm... if only I could get out of my recliner, I'd be doing pretty good right now. But husband left for work, son left for classes, and daughter is sound asleep and I'll just hold on to my pee for as long as I can! lol...TMI?? So I thought I'd journal. The drain removal went a little better than I expected. Well, a lot better, actually. The breast ones were pretty flat like tubes and really slick, apparently made so there's no possibility of them "catching" on the Strattice...the stuff that was used like a sort of breast sling :).... who would have thought I'd be discussing THIS kind of thing on an open forum?! But hey, I figure I probably won't meet most of you, so you can't see my red face! But it was a weird feeling, just having this sliding sensation under the skin and followed by a bit of drainage, but not much. Then the big ones, the drinking straw sized ones. He said he could give me a local if I want, but that the shot hurts some too, so it's up to me. I said go for it - numb me. The shots hurt - the whole groin area was pretty sensitive to begin with anyway. And I'd had one drain that must have been twisted or pulled out slightly or something to begin with, as it had given me trouble the whole time. Then he clipped the stitch holding those in and said, it's going to feel weird, a snaking sensation in your abdomen. Holy cow...that's exactly what it was, I felt these tubes making like an S or double S shape in my groin area and then it was out. He was fast because I didn't know he'd pulled them both out. Then he took the rest of the steri-strips off... I thought that would freak me out but I guess I'm getting immune to that stuff. Plus I'd looked at a million pictures online before ever having this done and was totally prepared for the incisions. And truthfully? Although I honestly did NOT believe him when he said that every patient he'd had was so pleased with the shape and fullness that the scarring entailed in the lift part was almost nothing in comparison. I really, really did NOT want to deal with that type of scar, but I knew it would be the only way to "fix" the problem. He tried doing the more conservative circumareolar lift but was fairly confident it wouldn't do the trick. So I was fully prepared for all the probable scars. And right now, at least, they are NOTHING when I see the incredible results! I am fortunate that I generally scar very, very lightly and even more fortunate that I found such a skilled surgeon, as all of the incisions look very nice, very thin and I am fairly confident, they will fade nicely over the next year. He could tell how happy I am with the results and frankly, it showed on HIS face that he was quite proud of his "creation" lol....

So, another new day and I hope to God I've turned the corner. I felt so horrible last night... feverish again, aching, so much pain and this time mostly in the breast area... aching, full feeling. Almost reminiscent of a bout of mastitis I had nursing one of my kids...and freaked out that it hurt that much. I think yesterday just wore me out. The 35 min. drive to the surgeon's office, the freaking out all morning about the drains being pulled, the removal, themselves, and the drive back home and getting in and out of the recliner. Oh! And my daughter took off for a while later in the day, my son was home. I had taken some pain meds and fallen asleep and woke up totally disoriented in the dark. I thought it was the middle of the night. My husband has been sleeping on the sofa next to my recliner, but he wasn't there. I could not find my phone, just the TV remote. My son was upstairs, but couldn't hear me calling for him. A little scary. About 30 min later, though, my husband got home. Apparently my phone had slipped off my lap onto the floor, so I was totally helpless. That was a scary feeling. So anyway, maybe all of those things played into how I felt last night. Today... much better. And really hoping for that shower.

I'll respond to yesterdays comments below...Thanks all of you for your prayers and thoughts and good wishes!

Next Number... You are making that shower sound EVEN better than I think it's going to feel! Can't wait! Thanks, and yeah, compared to a lot of things others have gone through...this is really a piece of cake. It's "pain" of my own choosing! I try to remind myself of that when it starts to really hurt :) 
29 ott 10 da utente: redwinelover
Klannoye....You just have to be a Big Bang Theory fan to know the Soft Kitty song. But girl...with our kitty history, you should learn it just "cause"! :D 
29 ott 10 da utente: redwinelover
Healthy Babs...I'm sure you're right...once you KNOW you're gonna get through it, it's all okay. I think for me, it's the fear and uncertainty...is it SUPPOSED to feel like this? Did my having some sort of respiratory thing going on put me at greater risk of a breast infection and the need to undo half the work done? Am I moving around enough to clear my lungs? Am I moving too much and will worsen the scarring and healing? That kind of thing. Yeah, the pain has been pretty intense off and on - most in the recovery center for those first two nights (really poor night nurses....awesome day nurses!)and not feeling medicated to the point I was led to believe. The rest has been the more fearful kind...is it normal? Am I okay? But as I said, it's a new day and I feel stronger! Thanks for your support! 
29 ott 10 da utente: redwinelover
multiplicity- thank you! And I know you've talked of this surgery for yourself. Know what you're getting into if you are serious, and research everything! Most important - find the absolute best surgeon you can. Do NOT cut corners, knowing Doc B will perform something for 5 grand less than Doc A. It's not worth bargain shopping for...especially if you end up with complications and needing to have corrections later on.  
29 ott 10 da utente: redwinelover
hottagain...things went better than I feared and I SO appreciate you keeping me in your prayers.  
29 ott 10 da utente: redwinelover
Hey RWL when you finally do get to take that shower I'd say pop a pain pill beforehand. You're going to feel SO GOOD after you get out and then I bet you hit a wall from it and will be exhausted. So pop a pill, go pee, shower and then vegetate or nap!  
29 ott 10 da utente: Junebug7210
Wow, the doc deadened it for you???? I sure wish my doc had. He didn't even warn me, just yanked them out. I was really hoping that your experience would be better. Of course I had just walked like 3 miles to get from the parking garage to his office. No lie it was about a 3 mile hike. And I was so tired, breathless, and stooped over by the time I got there, that all I wanted was a wheel chair and a bucket. The drains were bad, but when he took the steri strips the skin came with them. That was the start of the problems with the healing. I am so glad that you are healing well, and that this surgeon was so thoughtful about our pain levels while pulling those drains. Those suckers are long, aren't they? Wow, I had no idea. Take care, strap your phone to your arm, so it doesn't fall on the floor again (calling out is very hard, due to no breath), and enjoy your shower. You're doing awesome!!! Still praying! 
29 ott 10 da utente: ctlss
I am SO glad everything went smoothly for you yesterday, I was thinking about you! 
29 ott 10 da utente: pixidaisy
Hey Youngbug...I took the shower but skipped the pain pill first. Thought being dizzy might not work well in a shower :D. Shower felt pretty good...hard to reach places, though :) Still limited to not raising my arms way over my head, but it was a SHOWER. Great start to feeling human again~ 
29 ott 10 da utente: redwinelover
ctlss...wow! I mean sure, a lot won't bother to deaden the area for you, but you had to walk three miles? A week after surgery?? I'm exhausted from taking the stairs to shower, try on a pair of spanx (didn't last...back to the garment I left the hospital with)and back down here. Can't even imagine a long walk! I'm SO glad my doc explained how they'd feel coming out! I lost a bit of some blistered skin on one side with the steri strips, but don't think it'll cause a healing issue. Now they want you to keep the areas moist with Aquaphor to enable healing. I wonder if that's different? And my goodness, YES! Those drains are in you a good 14" or so! amazing. I wanted to keep one, but of course it's considered toxic or hazardous waste and wasn't allowed to. But my daughter got it video'd on my phone! :D And keep those prayers coming! I have a feeling it's a slower healing process than I assumed!  
29 ott 10 da utente: redwinelover
Thanks Pixiedaisy... kept hearing Soft Kitty whenever I felt some pain and would relax! hahaha... thanks so much! 
29 ott 10 da utente: redwinelover
You are one brave lady:) Amazing what strides they have made with these precedures...I am sure you will be very happy with the results as you sound upbeat about it now. Heal well, and quickly. TOWANDA!!! 
29 ott 10 da utente: Lisa Online
It's always a slower healing process than we are led to believe, RWL. Take care. 
29 ott 10 da utente: ctlss
Just checking in to say hi RWL and hoping you feel a bit better. I remember that "lost" feeling sitting in my own recliner a year ago. Could not lay down for 3 weeks. My ass really got sore. But, the scarring, well what a difference a year makes. I had scars under both armpits (lymph node removal) and scars from the underarm to just past the nipple area. Now.... they are almost unnoticeable. Just a very fine line, and has faded to almost unseen. They rebuilt my nipples (had to take both) and even they look normal. It is truly amazing what these guys can do, and mine did it from nothing as they removed ALL of the both breasts. I have to wear a bra but it's for appearances only, as they don't droop :-) TMI? Some clothes require it anyway. OK nuf here, have a good weekend and here's hoping you are feeling a little better each day. You will. In one year you will never know the difference and be out there flaunting your hot body!!! :-)  
30 ott 10 da utente: The Next Number
Hi Next Number... I feel so silly complaining about this when my surgery was all of my own choosing and here you had to go through extensive surgery, I'm assuming chemo, radiation...and reconstructive surgery as well - and all for serious, life-threatening reasons (not vanity). But you are being amazingly supportive and kind and I appreciate this. I've been told to wait at least two weeks for laying down in bed, but should be able to by three weeks and standing upright. And yeah...my ass is sore! Good thing it's not hot anymore -that could really add to the discomfort! I'm hoping I will scar as you have... that would be amazing. And NO, not too much TMI! :D Believe me, any and all advice or input is appreciated. I guess I'm supposed to wear a bra as much as possible the first year - even a night bra if I can. And he said the more I wear a bra, the longer the lift will last... I think I can do that! I've worn a bra most of my life as it is, right? I think it's amazing the surgery they can perform now...being able to "build" nipples and they look normal! Oh, just curiosity here, did they happen to use "Strattice" or the cadaver equivalent? Some type of "material" that acts as a sling to hold everything in place and supposedly will keep things up there longer. And much less chance of encapsulation, too... Added a great deal to the cost of the surgery, but I'm pretty sure it will pay off in the end if these babies stay up there! :D Thanks again...I hope you have a great weekend. 
30 ott 10 da utente: redwinelover
Hi Lisa...brave? uh... I really don't know if that's a word I'd use for myself! Seriously, what I was left with looking in the mirror was so not even close to flattering. As my doctor so "graciously" pointed out - I happened to have the worst possible set of circumstances which led to my looking like someone that had lost two or three times the weight I have. I think I was more afraid to go through the rest of my life hating what I saw in the mirror and resenting the fact that I'd done all this work and felt MORE shame and embarassment about my body than I had prior to losing weight. And that says a lot! So yes, I am feeling pretty upbeat. I'm going to ask the doc for my before pictures so if/when I start questioning all these scars if it was worth it, and I KNOW the second I take a look, I'll be relieved and forever grateful that a whole slew of circumstances ALSO led me to the point that this surgery was even in the realm of possibility. I LOVE MY HUSBAND!!!! What a man! No truck for him! :D 
30 ott 10 da utente: redwinelover
RWL, my hubby is the same way, would give p everything just to make me happy! Are we lucky or what???  
30 ott 10 da utente: ctlss
It must be so scary to be in pain and feel helpless and unable to move around much to help yourself. I'm sure things will get better day by day especially with all the prayers coming your way. That shower must have been glorious. 
31 ott 10 da utente: Multiplicity1


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