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11 settembre 2024

Happy happy blessed positive Wednesday

Listen to a podcast about dementia and Alzheimer’s… https://youtu.be/baQSf_9l-uk?si=zUup9MqU25_hq9uV

Actually, nothing new it still has to do with food and the way you live as I said, just another podcast that reinforces the fact that food is the main cause to a lot of our diseases now..

Play bingo yesterday and three times.. Linda one one time.. my sister one twice… the table I set up seems to win a lot. I’d like to say it’s the positive energy that I radiate out my sister and Linda aren’t as positive as I am… And I also visualize that I’m going to bingo… and when I tell Linda that he just smiles, but then it happens….

Just finished my coffee as I watched the black sky too early for the sun to come up to watch the beautiful sunrise.. woke up early so got up to start my day out earlier than usual…

I am only taking the Met Forman occasionally as I just no longer seeing any sense and taking it daily since I don’t have a lot of appetite…. Is Connor and I not being addicted to food?… I eat when I’m hungry, which has slowed down a lot, but I’m not as active as I was before I came in here…. They still serve three meals a day which I’ve started going down to supper. I’m going to all three meals, but I’m just not eating that much…. Last night they had pepperoni pizza and beef and noodle soup which I had both the pizza was good, but I tasted it several times after that too much pasta sauce and beef noodle was good too much too much salt…. so only had two or three bites of that….

Well, the coffee is gone. I have a little bit of time so gonna go ahead and change the bedsheets so that that’s done for the week…. I couldn’t do it myself they would do it, but I can still do it so therefore it’s something to kill some time….

Positive energy and thought to all have a fantastic day..

10 settembre 2024

Happy happy😄😄😄 positive blessed to see..

sitting sitting here, sipping my morning coffee.. watching a dark sky, waiting on the first sunrise as that’s the most beautiful part of the day..

Today’s bingo day… Hoping I feel better by then my sinuses have been bothering me starting yesterday and I was kind of penny… but when we played dominoes last night, I did manage to win two games which as usual lending the women that play with us was hoping I didn’t win any… it’s like the guys against the girls, but I am the only guy kind of bad at disadvantage five women one guy and yes, they love picking on me, especially when I lose….

This morning, I plan on taking pictures with my iPad of the paperwork that they have to do trivia with… as there are several forming a team that will travel to another heritage Woods in the area. .. to have a contest withl.l so I am going to help tutor the ones that are playing as that way maybe they will be better prepared in three weeks…. Or at least that’s the idea…

I’ve seen this on Amazon… and got it for Lando as it describes our friendship so well we sing together on all a lot of things and we talk about everything and I do everything just the way it should be among friends partners, and all the above…

We need to get going things to do as always…

Positive thoughts and ideas to all… have a fantastic day

09 settembre 2024

Happy happy positive Monday…

As I watched the sky change colors as the sun is starting to come up… what side sipping my coffee and enjoying the beautiful sunrise, but I once again get to enjoy…

I’m finding it harder to keep track of my food throughout the day because I just don’t care I mean after all I’ve done it for so long… it’s even hard to journal at times what can I write about that? I haven’t already wrote about and told my journals… become sporadic at times… How some days there’s just not a lot to talk about…

As I listen to old podcast by David Sinclair..

Time is passing coffee is gone things today before I head down to Linda‘s apartment and let her read to me the devotions for today… Sure, I could let my phone read to me, however with her reading to me, she helps to break it down so that I understand it better… As I was never student in school, that could read a book and understand it…

Positive thoughts and energy to all… have a great day

08 settembre 2024

06 settembre 2024

Happy happy positive Friday

I’ve been taking days off from riding allowing my right knee to feel better as much as I hate taking days off I know it’s the right thing to do. I’d rather heal them to nag me more…

Play bingo yesterday I won blackout plus a bingo or two… everyone at the table there were six of us five of us was down to the last one number when I get blackout, normally the same six people play at our table and normally we all win at least one game if not too…

We played Domino’s last night and yes, I won a few games but it was mixed up and everyone got to win at least one game or two and yes, we play with the same group… our last game one of the ladies that has dementia needed a 12 to play and I told her I had an extra and she wanted to trade me Domino’s… and I said I would even though Linda on the other side of me and said Michael… has passed over he slid another one over and when she looked at it, it wasn’t 12. She said that’s not a 12 I need a 12…. I looked at her and said do you want me to cheat?… she nodded yes…. She goes to the same church as me we all got to laughing so hard tears were coming out of our eyes…… needless to say I didn’t cheat this time…

Linda‘s birthday is tomorrow and I’m trying to get last minute stuff done. I’ve got some presents for and a birthday card. It still needs to be signed by one of the ladies at our table.

The table I sit at now, has five women and me I am blessed and that we pray at each meal something I didn’t do at the other table as the guys at the table had different beliefs?.. And there’s nothing wrong with that… but that’s not where I come from now… The table I sit at now with the five women we all just seem to sync together, even though we go to different churches… And since we played dominoes and bingo together, we sing together even more… Yesterday morning, the topic at the table was kindergarten first grade and the teachers and how they would scold the students if they were bad and how times have changed… since we have ladies at the table that have dementia and I are trying to figure out different ways to get some of the ladies to talk more and enjoy the time at the table….

I submitted an idea to the administrator here yesterday… my keys are color-coded so that I can know which key to use to open my door if I lock it and I suggested that he do that for everyone here I’ve noticed a lot of the residence here have the same problem as me and have trouble unlocking different doors as the outside door or the room door he thought that was a good idea. We’ll see what happens. … some of the residents as well as myself have color-coded keys, but I’ve noticed that as more people come and go a lot of them have site problems or has they stay here longer? Their eyes began to fail…..

Well, time is passing as usual. It’s time to get ready to go down to Linda‘s to have devotions before breakfast.


Positive thoughts and energy to all

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