Diario di redwinelover

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30 marzo 2012

Darn it,missed a day again. Okay, forgot to weigh myself this morning, too. Tomorrow, I will. Yesterday was crazy. Drove to north Phoenix with my daughter. We're having those B-6/B-12 lipotropic injections - supposedly "fat burners". We'll see. I definitely feel better - less fatigue since we began these shots.

I ended up signing up for a four month series of these shots - three per week. Two of the lipotropic ones that have a little bit of the B vitamins in them, and a B-6/B-12 once per week for $225. That's about $14/week, but not bad considering. The cheapest place I've seen so far for just the B-6 or B-12 shots was $10 each, so that's like having the other two lipotropic "fat" burning shots for $4/week. Worth a try, I've done much sillier things.

Well, anyway, my daughter may want to continue them, too, and when I added up all the gas we'd be using if we did end up driving there three times a week - well, LOTS. Even if they combined the B-6/B-12 shots into the lipo ones and made two trips there a week - it's still a ton of gas. So here's the thing - they'll show you how to inject them yourself and then you can pick up either a week or even two weeks of injections at a time. When I did the math, I realized it would more than pay for my daughter's injections if we did the injections ourselves - and even cover half of the cost of the program for my own. Last Friday, Angela there gave me an empty syringe and said to practice on a grapefruit. So I did - must have stabbed that thing a couple hundred times over the weekend! lol

This morning we went in for our injections and I asked Angela if I would be able to give myself my injection there in front of her - that I know if I was able to do it once where someone could jump in and fix it if I messed up, then I'd probably be able to do it. Well... I DID! lol... And I grabbed some fat on the side of my hip, did the wrist action, the needle went all the way in and I DIDN'T FEEL IT! lol.. I was so excited - Angela actually pulled the syringe back a bit to make sure I didn't hit a vein, and then squeezed the stuff in for me, but hell. The sticking myself with the needle seems like the biggest block! I was so excited! I asked my daughter if I could do hers! She said no, of course. Anyway. So we have Monday's injections with us, and we'll go on Wed. and probably pick up two weeks worth of injections :D Whoo-hoo! It's the little things! Who would think being able to inject myself would be such a big deal?! But it seems like a new "skill"! Hope it wasn't beginner's luck! :D

Have a great day, my wonderful FS friends.

27 marzo 2012

Down a tiny bit more today. I really can't let myself get too excited, knowing the way my weight fluctuates by five pounds or so on any given day. What encourages me is this time it was 132.something (okay... .8, but still) and I do believe I haven't seen much under 134 for a few months. I think - that's what happens when my vanity gets in the way of my honesty! Didn't record, unless it's in emails or journal posts and Lord knows, the posts are few and far between.

Going to finish waking up - LOVE coffee, you know? And then decide if I'm going to dance some with Shaun T or maybe try an actual workout. What I'd like to find is a GOOD kettlebell workout. I have a couple and frankly - they suck. Hey, if only SHAUN T did kettlebells! lol

Not much else going on so far - haven't been up long enough to get into much trouble yet. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. :D I hope to edit this later today to add that I did, indeed, work out!

UPDATE... Stop the presses! I DID work out. Shaun T and I danced, we be-bopped, even did a little bit of lunges and some arm and shoulder and back work together, too. Good think my husband is so not the jealous type. I spent about 45 minutes with Shaun T today. :D

26 marzo 2012

Just to get back into the habit... here I am. I didn't work out today - did my shopping workout instead. It counts. Sort of. Weight was back down today... 133 point something today. Wish it didn't matter so much! lol

I feel like I'm doing better with food choices recently.. and amounts. And really downing the water. And I know that helps a lot, too. Tomorrow, I'll work out again. I wasn't sore at all from my little dance party with Shaun T... hmmmm... I have to figure that means it wasn't as much work as I'd hoped. But hey, I wasn't sitting on the sofa ALL day then and it did feel nice to put on my workout clothes and actually DO something. It helped that I had a new pair of Victoria Secret yoga pants! lol.. It's the little things.

Well, that's about it for today. Still catching up on others' journals. Wow, I missed a lot of stuff! Nice to be back, though. :D

25 marzo 2012

Weight is up from yesterday. sigh... It seems if I weigh myself daily, I'm more prone to the ups and downs the scale brings. Yet, if I don't weigh myself daily, or at least every couple of days, then I let things get too far out of hand. I even bought the Zero Scale. Cool concept - you only have to see how much you are up or down from your previous weigh in, and the total weight lost from the first time you weighed yourself on the scale. Of course, there's a feature for just seeing your actual weight and because I'm a masochist, I generally weigh myself both ways.

I did an actual workout today. :D I think Sarah was a nice kick in the ass for me last night. Thanks, Sarah! And then just checking in on Bren and Stef, seeing how THEY seem to be able to keep plugging away in spite of the multitude of ups and downs of LIFE - that helped motivate me some more.

Looks like I'm reinstating my love affair with Shaun T! lol... This time, however, we merely dance together. The days of Insanity are over for this boob self-loving woman! He's much too hard on fake boobs - do not want to risk ending up all wall-eyed from his insistence on push-ups! He also does a lot of high-impact (aka boob sacrificing) moves on his Insanity workout. Not for this woman - I'm loving having my boobs all perky and hope to see them stay that way for a long time to come. But the dude can dance and I'm a-dancing with him! And you know? He's a lot kinder than he used to be. hmmm...

So much has happened over the last few months. Things I'll skip or maybe save for PM's. But I DO want to share one fantastic thing that has happened. You remember Klannoye? That crazy, fun-spirited, lovable woman... that became a grandmother about 8 months ago... ANYWAY.. hopefully you remember her. Guess what?! WE MET!!! Yep, she and her husband came out to AZ and visited her sister-in-law and drove up here to spend a couple of (too short) days with me! We've emailed daily for over a year and a half, just love this girl, but didn't ACTUALLY believe we'd meet in person. Well, that's not exactly true - I just thought it would take years. The best part? She's exactly the way I knew she'd be. And her husband is a great guy, too! Had SO much fun with them! The day they arrived we went to Scottsdale to walk around Old Town some, shopped a little, stopped for drinks and snacks, came back here and had dinner with the family around the fire pit, and Klannoye and I ended up sitting up drinking wine and chatting until almost 5:00am! Couldn't believe it was that time! Went out for coffee the next day to a cute little neighborhood coffee place and then took a couple hour boat cruise along Canyon Lake. Perfect weather, had a blast. It was so sad when they left to go back to Tucson again, and then home to WI from there :( But damn, we had a GREAT time!

24 marzo 2012

146 days since my last weigh in! wow. Anyway, things have been crazy. Some good, a lot not so much. But I'm here. Still not weighing in, though! Suffice it to say my weight is up six pounds from my last weigh in and 9 pounds higher than goal weight. It is what it is.

I've got to get into healthy eating again, and really need to get back to exercising again. My (current) excuse is a bit (hahahaha) of CO2 laser resurfacing I had done on my arms. Yes... my arms. 'Cause they look horrible. Getting better, and the doc will re-do if he doesn't feel my results were as he expected. At least go over the worst of it again (free). Still full of deep wrinkles and loose skin, but he says the "remodeling" of the skin will continue over the next 3 - 6 months - most of it in the first three months. Anyway, I should be able to start working out in another day or two. Then what excuse will I have?!

Missed being around here, talking to my friends. I'll try to be "present" again, catch up on you all.

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