Diario di redwinelover

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03 gennaio 2012

So. Thanks S for the gentle prod. lol...

My husband and I did go hiking over the long weekend. We did a 5 mile hike on New Year's Eve - one we've done numerous times. But it's a local hike and one that's a good re-introduction to hiking. I'd thought we hadn't hiked since early in the Spring, but my husband reminded me we'd hiked in August when we went to Pinetop/Lakeside. Still, a long time and it was our first hike since he'd been diagnosed with Valley Fever and pneumonia a few months ago. He really felt it. It didn't seem bad to me, though. Surprising since I'd stopped working out regularly a couple of months ago.

Yesterday we took another hike. Planned on hiking in about 3 or 3 1/2 miles top, then turning around and hiking back out. We got to the turn around point and the deal was, if we both had at least half of our water left, we'd do the 9 mile loop, instead. Well, we each had half or more of our water left so on we went. And I've gotta tell you, this hike was a lot harder on me for various reasons. I'm not even talking about the length of the hike - the first 5 miles were the most difficult in many ways. I'm just feeling so sluggish and full of toxins. I really need to get back to eating properly.

Ended up burning about 3,000 calories yesterday. Which would be awesome except my appetite was out of control yesterday. A little too intense for the exercise, I think.

Today? Better. At least as far as food is concerned. Didn't work out today. I started taking some of the decorations down. This is one Christmas season I'm anxious to say goodbye to.

30 dicembre 2011

Okay, guess it's sort of like dipping a toe in the pool. I'm going to take "baby steps" to get back on track, beginning with journaling more frequently. I know I need to weigh in, track food, read and comment on other's journals and for me, most importantly, get back to my exercise routine. Man, amazing how quickly one's habits can change! Well, the good ones, anyway. Seems like my bad habits like to stick around. :D

Although I'm tired of making empty promises, I am going to state that today I will work out. It may end up a 15 or 20 min. workout - I'm not gonna lie, as I'm totally not feeling it. But I know I need to start again. My husband and I are thinking about taking a short hike this weekend - may be just the thing I need to get my ass in gear. We haven't done any hiking since early in the year, I think. Various issues came up, then the intense heat, then he came down with Valley Fever and pneumonia and still isn't quite 100%. Those two illnesses were really hard on him. So the plan is to take a short hike, less than five miles. Although that really IS a short hike for us, it's one we've done many times and I'm already dreading a couple of the inclines! THAT'S how I know how far I've let myself slip, fitness wise. That shouldn't even be a factor!

I may not record my food intake today. Or tomorrow, for that matter. But I am planning to at least visit the site, check on some friends, hopefully make at least a short journal entry, and begin to focus on me and my own well-being once again. Here's to fresh starts!

29 dicembre 2011

Well, I don't know what I'm waiting for - clothes don't fit, don't like the way I look in the mirror, back to the negative self-talk and the feelings of helplessness, back to feeling like a fatty-fat-fat. I sit and type these sentences as I eat a huge piece of fudge. Hmmm... maybe that's what I'm waiting for - get rid of the rest of the crap in the house. Why do I have to be that way? If it's here, I must eat it. I mean, it's ridiculous, especially since I know I gain weight far easier and quicker than I "should", by all rights. It sucks, but it's a "fact" and I just have to accept that. So why continue to eat things I know will put on weight? Or why can't I just learn to eat them in moderation? Why does it always seem to be an "all or nothing" approach with me?

So, I will not get on the scale for quite some time. Certainly won't record it and hell, I won't even get on the scale as I know it will devastate me. Which is almost as pathetic as it sounds. yep, stick that head in the sand, right?

Anyway, this is one Christmas season I'm sort of glad to be saying goodbye to. It's been tough. I have an adult child who was addicted to those nasty chemicals that are sprayed on "Spice" and still sold legally in this state. Why is it legal? Beats me. Anyway, she and her girlfriend eventually ended up ordering the powdered chemicals straight from China and she finally realized they were, indeed, killing her. We really have no idea what the chemical make-up of these were, but I can tell you the withdrawals she suffered once she quit (on Thanksgiving... oh yeah, it's been fun around here) were very much what you'd see with a heroine addict facing withdrawals. I'm very proud of her, without a doubt, but the long-term effects haven't been a picnic for any of us. So it's an ongoing battle, I'm sure we'll all come out ahead, but it's definitely affected this whole family.

So - now it's back to a real diet and a real exercise plan. Starting tomorrow...lol... as that's when the fudge should be gone!

19 dicembre 2011

Well. Here it is, just days before Christmas. It saddens me to think this is the least Christmas-like I've ever felt this close to Christmas. I haven't even finished addressing Christmas cards yet!

On the plus side - things are going pretty well here at home. Came through a crisis and we are all intact. On the downside? Really took away from the preparation and the build up, but it is what it is. Also, still not working out regularly. Finally did a workout on Sat. but not again yet. Fully intended to today, but realized I needed to get some errands done first. Now it's going on 7:00pm and making dinner and I know there is no workout to be done today.

Guess I need to start wrapping gifts, too. I feel so behind... is it just me? Oh. Have NOT stepped on the scale and call me fool for being in denial like this, but I know if I see anything close to 140, I will probably go into a tailspin! lol... so nope, just trying to get my butt back in gear and pay attention to what I'm eating and trying to make myself drink water (as I sit here and realize I've had less than two cups so far!). Hope you folks here at Fat Secret are doing well! I miss the interaction.

12 dicembre 2011

It's been tough trying to focus on diet and exercise for weeks now and it SHOWS. Had a huge family crisis - thank God made it through that one. Well, for the most part. All the while semi-preparing for a company trip to Atlantis without knowing if we would actually be able to leave or not.

Then some company cancelled almost last minute before Thanksgiving, family crisis came to a head ON Thanksgiving, then short visit from another family member from across the country, then the trip.

So I haven't exercised in probably two weeks now and haven't eaten great for longer. The pisser about that is I'm not even eating stuff most of us may indulge in at this time of year (except Thanksgiving and the following couple of days). I've not made any cookies or fudge. Nope, wasting all these calories on stupid packaged snacks!

Today's plan? I'm going to work out - I'm not going to promise it'll be a GOOD workout, but it'll be A workout. I'm also going to pull out four water bottles and set them in front of me to be sure I drink at least 8 glasses of water today. And finally, I am going to NOT eat any snack other than almonds, fruit or cheese after dinner tonight. This is my fresh start. Haven't weighed in for weeks, will in a few days. I checked the day after we returned from vacation (full of food and drink and very little actual exercise) and was up to 135. A full 10 lbs over my desired weight. But to be honest - I was really fearful of seeing 140 on that scale, as quickly as I put on weight. So as the saying goes, It IS what it IS.

Storia del Peso di redwinelover

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