Diario di redwinelover

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08 febbraio 2012

If there was any question in my mind as to not only the importance...no... the NECESSITY of working out along with good eating, it is no longer there. I worked out regularly for over a year and a half. Going by my Bodybugg, I actually averaged burning 2400 calories per day for the year. I've checked the last few weeks and it seems the average daily burn is under 1900 calories a day. It's not all from the workout, of course, but shows me exercise itself, and the resulting muscle mass, speeds up my metabolism. You'd think just KNOWING this would get me to get my butt in there and work out. And I will..... today I will work out. Gotta start somewhere. Okay, I have actually worked out here and there, and gone hiking a couple of times. I haven't been a complete slug - but the consistency and the drive isn't there. Gotta get my mojo back!

My husband and I went hiking last Friday. We were celebrating his birthday weekend and he'd taken the day off. Unfortunately for him, he had no energy and apparently didn't enjoy the hike at all. Me, on the other hand, thought it was a fine hike. I felt pretty energetic and it was a gorgeous, sunny, cool (for AZ) day - perfect hiking weather for me. That was about an eight mile hike. Unfortunately, I also EAT a lot during and after a long hike, and I had a couple of beers and think a glass of wine that night, as well. So much for the 3,000 calories I burned that day! lol... Sat. we went out for a couple of pitchers of beer (love dark beer - this was Kilt Lifter, from Four Peaks brewery, a local brewery), appetizers and a burger. omg.... SO much food. We had no idea the appetizers were so huge - won't be making that mistake again. But we had a nice evening and I guess the calorie consumption was worth it. Sunday I took him to the new-ish place in Scottsdale that serves drinks and meals to your table while watching a movie. Interesting concept and it was enjoyable, but probably because there were only 8 patrons in the entire theater. I'd imagine a full theater with waiters coming in and out would be really distracting. But it was a nice experience and a different way to celebrate. The point of all this was - I've been eating and drinking too much recently! lol... Hence the "101 days ago" for my weigh in! Nope, still hating the number... really REALLY have to see a "2" for that second number to feel like I'm on tract and that's still a good bit away. (gee, wonder why?)

24 gennaio 2012

Well, finally among the living. Feel so much better. Just need to get rid of the mucus and headache, now. I'll take that over what was going on, though.

Still not back to exercising yet - thinking tomorrow may be the day. Maybe... I did have my first B-12 shot today. Been interested in trying them out and then seeing Dr.Oz the other day made me really want to try. Apparently older women can't absorb the vitamin B-12 very well - much is destroyed in the gut. But he said injections were ideal as they bypass that. I'm hoping to know in a day or two if they really do give me more energy. There's a Groupon deal here right now - six B-12 shots for $30. I just paid $10 for this one to see, so if so, that'd be worth it.

Anyway, missed being here and talking with you guys and finding out what's been going on. I have some catching up to do!

17 gennaio 2012

12 gennaio 2012

Well, hmmm. Planned on working out today, but haven't as yet. I did a workout yesterday - first one in a very long time. Wasn't a very good workout, but it happened. And felt good about that. Food ... going.... okay. Not great still, but better choices. Still just eating too many calories and not getting nearly enough exercise. Hopefully I will change all that really soon. I don't like weighing in the mid 130's at all. Clothes don't look good (the ones that I can fit!) and I'm not comfortable with my own body at this weight. Have to stop turning to food to soothe myself.

Appointment tomorrow with our daughter - sure hope we get some answers or at least nudged in the right direction. Can't continue like this indefinitely. Think we're all reaching the breaking point at this rate. I probably have my expectations up there a little too far for one appointment. Doesn't help that it took so long to get in to see this guy. Anyway, maybe after tomorrow I can renew my focus. Hope so!

So... trying to change my attitude right now and thought - hmmm... Bren said something about laughter. Made me think about something that happened last night. Our remaining cat, Ali, is super skittish - has been for the 16+ years we've had her, must be part of her make up. Anyway, over the last couple of years she's started this weird habit of bolting out of the laundry room sometimes after doing her business. (Okay, now granted - the laundry room is a terrible place for a skittish kitty's litter box, but really, it's about the only place that makes sense in this house. And it's been there... well, since we've lived here ... 13+ years. So even if she doesn't LOVE the location, she's used to it.)

Anyway - finally figured out that the times she BOLTS out of the laundry room is when she's .. uh... poo'd. My husband I joke that we're going to put a box outside the door. She makes a quick turn right after the doorway in front of the TV table. So last night she goes in the laundry room and I think, I need a chuckle. It's just my daughter and I in the family room watching TV. So I grab a blanket from the sofa and stand in front of the TV table, holding the blanket lengthwise so it touches the ground in front of me. Mean? Man, I hope not. Anyway, she's in there ... FOREVER. Finally after about five minutes, I hear the scratching at the litter and I'm all prepared for her to run into the blanket (I'm not really sick) and she SAUNTERS out of the laundry room, sniffs the edge of the blanket as she CALMLY makes her way around the blanket! Like it's ALWAYS there! lol... Guess she got the last laugh.

Anyway, it gave me a laugh thinking about it and telling my husband about it later.

09 gennaio 2012

Well, it's been ... a day. Won't say it's been a bad day... nor a good day. Guess it beats a bad day! lol... what I'm trying to do is to not let my daughter's mood and frame of mind determine how I feel. Boy, it's not easy! She has a way of just... projecting her bad mood upon any and all in her path. So I've been reading this book that I'm fairly sure applies to our situation here and am just getting to the part of the book that I hope will be helpful for the day to day "surviving" with a person who behaves in this manner. Wow. I doubt that made any sense, but it did in my head!

Still had a backache today - don't know what I did. Pretty sure I pinched a nerve with the tree stuff. Getting better, though. Didn't work out (again) and so far am not beating myself up about it. Hopefully tomorrow. Did a little shopping therapy - not as therapeutic when you're not feeling so great about your body. Oh well. Maybe it'll help me stay on the path to better eating. Sure wasn't loving what I saw when I tried on a couple of things. Again - not beating myself up... just sort of acknowledging a fact.

Did some grocery shopping and picked up things to make some chili (which was pretty tasty) and picked up ingredients to make that spicy pumpkin soup again. I'll wait a couple of days to make it probably, but sure loved it.

Well, that's all from here... meet you all outside to howl at the moon in a bit! :D

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